Impact of root herbivory by insect larvae on soil microbial communities

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences

Grayston, S. J., Treonis, A. M., Murray, P. J., Dawson, L. A., Ross, J., Pratt, S. M., Reid, E. J. and MacDougall, R. 2000. Impact of root herbivory by insect larvae on soil microbial communities. Plant Root Systems: Interactions with Soil Biological, Chemical and Physical Facors. Abstracts of the Scottish Root Group Annual Meeting, Aberdeen, 15 November 2000. pp. 8

AuthorsGrayston, S. J., Treonis, A. M., Murray, P. J., Dawson, L. A., Ross, J., Pratt, S. M., Reid, E. J. and MacDougall, R.
TypeC2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Year of Publication2000
Funder project or code1
Project: 2430 6105
Page range8

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