Potential for enhancing biodiversity on intensive livestock farms (BD1444)

D1 - Technical reports: non-confidential

Tallowin, J. R. B. 2004. Potential for enhancing biodiversity on intensive livestock farms (BD1444).

AuthorsTallowin, J. R. B.
TypeD1 - Technical reports: non-confidential
Year of Publication2004
Funder project or codeBehavioural and Community Ecology (BCE)
Project: 2420 4437
Project: BD 1444
SeriesReview of DEFRA-funded programme on Farmland Conservation and Biodiversity Research, Warwick University, 11-12 November 2004

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/859v3/potential-for-enhancing-biodiversity-on-intensive-livestock-farms-bd1444

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