Strategies to reduce nitrate leaching by crop rotation, minimal cultivation and straw incorporation in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Catt, J. A., Christian, D. G., Goss, M. J., Harris, G. L. and Howse, K. R. 1992. Strategies to reduce nitrate leaching by crop rotation, minimal cultivation and straw incorporation in the Brimstone Farm Experiment, Oxfordshire. Nitrate and Farming Systems. Aspects of Applied Biology .

AuthorsCatt, J. A., Christian, D. G., Goss, M. J., Harris, G. L. and Howse, K. R.
Year of Publication1992
Journal citation30, pp. 255-262
Funder project or code108
Project: 031232

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