Recognition of oilseed rape volatiles by pollen beetles, Meligethes spp.: electrophysiological and chemical studies

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Blight, M. M., Pickett, J. A., Ryan, J., Wadhams, L. J. and Woodcock, C. M. 1995. Recognition of oilseed rape volatiles by pollen beetles, Meligethes spp.: electrophysiological and chemical studies. Rapeseed Today and Tomorrow: Proceedings 9th International Rapeseed Congress, Cambridge, 4-7 July 1995 .

AuthorsBlight, M. M., Pickett, J. A., Ryan, J., Wadhams, L. J. and Woodcock, C. M.
Year of Publication1995
Journal citation3, pp. 1043-1045
Funder project or code905
Project: 051282

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