Molecular examination of Septoria tritici isolates with reduced sensitivities to triazoles

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Cools, H. J., Fraaije, B. A. and Lucas, J. A. 2005. Molecular examination of Septoria tritici isolates with reduced sensitivities to triazoles. Dehne, H-W., Lyr, H., Russell, P. E., Kuck, K. H. and Gisi, U. (ed.) Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV: Proceedings of the 14th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, Friedrichroda, 25-29 April 2004 . British Crop Protection Council (BCPC). pp. 103-114

AuthorsCools, H. J., Fraaije, B. A. and Lucas, J. A.
Year of Publication2005
PublisherBritish Crop Protection Council (BCPC)
Funder project or code507
Understanding the evolution and dynamics of fungicide resistance development in cereal pathogens
Page range103-114
EditorsDehne, H-W., Lyr, H., Russell, P. E., Kuck, K. H. and Gisi, U.

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