Responses of microbial community from tropical pristine coastal soil to crude oil contamination

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Morais, D., Pylro, V., Clark, I. M., Hirsch, P. R. and Totola, M. R. 2016. Responses of microbial community from tropical pristine coastal soil to crude oil contamination. PeerJ. 4.

AuthorsMorais, D., Pylro, V., Clark, I. M., Hirsch, P. R. and Totola, M. R.
Year of Publication2016
Journal citation4
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
Funder project or codeSustainability
Optimisation of nutrients in soil-plant systems: How can we control nitrogen cycling in soil?
Project: S5332
PublisherPeerj inc

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