Defining the wheat microbiome: towards microbiome-facilitated crop production

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Kavamura, V. N., Mendes, R., Bargaz, A. and Mauchline, T. H. 2021. Defining the wheat microbiome: towards microbiome-facilitated crop production. Computational and structural biotechnology journal. 19, pp. 1200-1213.

AuthorsKavamura, V. N., Mendes, R., Bargaz, A. and Mauchline, T. H.

Wheat is one of the world’s most important crops, but its production relies heavily on agrochemical inputs which are notoriously harmful to the environment. It is well known that a multitude of microbes interact with eukaryotic organisms, including plants, and the sum of microbes and their functions associated with a given host is termed the microbiome. Plant-microbe interactions can be beneficial, neutral or harmful to the host plant. Over the last decade, with the development of next generation DNA sequencing technology, our understanding of the plant microbiome structure has dramatically increased. Considering that defining the wheat microbiome is key to leverage crop production in a sustainable way, here we describe how different factors drive microbiome assembly in wheat, including crop management, edaphic-environmental conditions and host selection. In addition, we highlight the benefits to take a multidisciplinary approach to define and explore the wheat core microbiome to generate solutions based on microbial (synthetic) communities or single inoculants. Advances in plant microbiome research will facilitate the development of microbial strategies to guarantee a sustainable intensification of crop production.

KeywordsWheat ; Intensification; Sustainable; Microbiome; Rhizosphere
Year of Publication2021
JournalComputational and structural biotechnology journal
Journal citation19, pp. 1200-1213
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Funder project or codeBilateral BBSRC - Embrapa. Exploitation of the rhizosphere microbiome for sustainable wheat production
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S2N - Soil to Nutrition - Work package 1 (WP1) - Optimising nutrient flows and pools in the soil-plant-biota system
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Publisher's version
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online09 Feb 2021
Publication process dates
Accepted30 Jan 2021

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