# Readme This dataset is a supplement to Bell et al (2020) [https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12412](https://doi.org/10.1111/icad.12412) and can be used to reproduce the analyses performed using the R packages: - NCF - [https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ncf](https://cran.r-project.org/package=ncf) - poptrend - [https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=poptrend](https://cran.r-project.org/package=poptrend) ## AphidTidy.csv Aphid count data for each suction trap site per year. - Year: Year for which all counts were summed - Site: Site name - Count: Total number of aphids caught in this year at this site (where Count = NA, the site was not running in this year) - Latitude: Latitude of Site (where Latitude = NA, the site was not running in this year) - Longitude: Longitude of Site (where Longitude = NA, the site was not running in this year) ## MothTidy.csv - Year: Year for which all counts were summed - Site: Site name - Count: Total number of moths caught in this year at this site (where Count = NA, the site was not running in this year) - Latitude: Latitude of Site (where Latitude = NA, the site was not running in this year) - Longitude: Longitude of Site (where Longitude = NA, the site was not running in this year) - Altitude: Meters above sea-level of Site (where Altitude = NA, the site was not running in this year) - PrimaryLandCover: Habitat description of Site (where PrimaryLandCover = NA, the site was not running in this year) ## Derived data for metanalysis The files aphid_linear_estimates.csv, aphid_non_linear_estimates.csv, moth_linear_estimates.csv and moth_non_linear_estimates.csv are linear and non-linear trend predictions derived from the AphidTidy and MothTidy datasets using the poptrend R package summary.trend function. This function is used for computing the yearly estimates. The files aphid_random_linear_effects.csv and moth_random_linear_effects.csv are random year effects components visible following the call plot.trend when tempRE = TRUE in the call to ptrend.