Extensification of beef and sheep production in the United Kingdom - research requirements

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Wright, I. A., Lowman, B. G., Penning, P. D. and Milnes, J. A. 1996. Extensification of beef and sheep production in the United Kingdom - research requirements. Extensification of Beef and Sheep Production on Grasslands, Proceedings of EC Conference on Beef and Sheep Production Systems in the European Union and Prospects for Intensification, Paris, France, 22-24 November 1995. pp. 77-86

AuthorsWright, I. A., Lowman, B. G., Penning, P. D. and Milnes, J. A.
Year of Publication1996
Funder project or code11
Project: 2401 110
Project: 2421 4112
Project: 2401 054
Project: 2421 4054
Project: 2401 129
Project: 2421 4129
Project: MS 1104
Project: MS 1101
Page range77-86

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/84zyw/extensification-of-beef-and-sheep-production-in-the-united-kingdom-research-requirements

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