Potential of a novel white clover/cereal bi-cropping system for whole crop forage production

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies

Koefoed, N., Clements, R. O., Burke, J., Donaldson, G. V. and Purvis, G. 1999. Potential of a novel white clover/cereal bi-cropping system for whole crop forage production. Buchanan-Smith, J. G., Bailey, L. D. and McCaughey, P. (ed.) Grasslands 2000, Proceedings of the XVIII International Grassland Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 8-17 June 1997 (Vol 2). Canadian Forage Council, Can Soc Agron, Can Soc Anim Sci. pp. 19-35 - 19-36

AuthorsKoefoed, N., Clements, R. O., Burke, J., Donaldson, G. V. and Purvis, G.
Year of Publication1999
PublisherCanadian Forage Council, Can Soc Agron, Can Soc Anim Sci
Funder project or code31
Project: 2415 6476
Page range19-35 - 19-36
EditorsBuchanan-Smith, J. G., Bailey, L. D. and McCaughey, P.

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8514z/potential-of-a-novel-white-clover-cereal-bi-cropping-system-for-whole-crop-forage-production

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