Further notes on Drepanepteryx phalaenoides (L.)(Neuroptera: Hemerobidae) in Hertfordshire

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Riley, A. M. 1991. Further notes on Drepanepteryx phalaenoides (L.)(Neuroptera: Hemerobidae) in Hertfordshire. Entomologist's gazette. 42, p. 80.

AuthorsRiley, A. M.
Year of Publication1991
JournalEntomologist's gazette
Journal citation42, p. 80
Funder project or code01
Project: 041004
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/86786/further-notes-on-drepanepteryx-phalaenoides-l-neuroptera-hemerobidae-in-hertfordshire

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