Further details and SEM observations on Heterodera cynodontis Shahina and Maqbool 1989 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Shahina, F., Rowe, J. A. and Maqbool, M. A. 1993. Further details and SEM observations on Heterodera cynodontis Shahina and Maqbool 1989 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Fundamental and applied nematology. 16, pp. 573-575.

AuthorsShahina, F., Rowe, J. A. and Maqbool, M. A.
Year of Publication1993
JournalFundamental and applied nematology
Journal citation16, pp. 573-575
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code106
Project: 041042

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