Molecular diversity amongst Radopholus similis populations from Sri Lanka detected by RAPD analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Hahn, M. L., Burrows, P. R., Gnanapragasam, N. C., Bridge, J., Vines, N. J. and Wright, D. J. 1994. Molecular diversity amongst Radopholus similis populations from Sri Lanka detected by RAPD analysis. Fundamental and applied nematology. 17, pp. 275-281.

AuthorsHahn, M. L., Burrows, P. R., Gnanapragasam, N. C., Bridge, J., Vines, N. J. and Wright, D. J.
Year of Publication1994
JournalFundamental and applied nematology
Journal citation17, pp. 275-281
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code106
Project: 041041

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