Species diversity and stability in grassland

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M. E., Mcconway, K., Crawley, M. and Potts, J. M. 1995. Species diversity and stability in grassland. Trends In Ecology & Evolution. 10, pp. 287-288.

AuthorsSilvertown, J., Dodd, M. E., Mcconway, K., Crawley, M. and Potts, J. M.
Year of Publication1995
JournalTrends In Ecology & Evolution
Journal citation10, pp. 287-288
Funder project or code101
Project: 141342
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/87360/species-diversity-and-stability-in-grassland

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