Extraction of vegetation biophysical parameters by inversion of the PROSPECT + SAIL models on sugar beet canopy reflectance data. Application to TM and AVIRIS sensors

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Jacquemoud, S., Baret, F., Andrieu, B., Danson, F. M. and Jaggard, K. 1995. Extraction of vegetation biophysical parameters by inversion of the PROSPECT + SAIL models on sugar beet canopy reflectance data. Application to TM and AVIRIS sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment. 52, pp. 163-172.

AuthorsJacquemoud, S., Baret, F., Andrieu, B., Danson, F. M. and Jaggard, K.
Year of Publication1995
JournalRemote Sensing of Environment
Journal citation52, pp. 163-172
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code700
Project: 272005

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/87391/extraction-of-vegetation-biophysical-parameters-by-inversion-of-the-prospect-sail-models-on-sugar-beet-canopy-reflectance-data-application-to-tm-and-aviris-sensors

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