Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of Nodl, a rhizobial O-acetyl-transferase involved in the host-specific nodulation of legume roots

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Dunn, S. M., Moody, P. C. E., Downie, J. A. and Shaw, W. V. 1996. Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of Nodl, a rhizobial O-acetyl-transferase involved in the host-specific nodulation of legume roots. Protein Science. 5, pp. 538-541.

AuthorsDunn, S. M., Moody, P. C. E., Downie, J. A. and Shaw, W. V.
Year of Publication1996
JournalProtein Science
Journal citation5, pp. 538-541
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code414

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