Evaluation of Beta germplasm for disease resistance and stress tolerance

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences

Asher, M. J. C. and Smith, H. G. 1998. Evaluation of Beta germplasm for disease resistance and stress tolerance. Proceedings 4th International Beta Genetic Resources Workshop and World Beta Network Conference, Izmir, 28 February-3 March 1996 . International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome. pp. 77

AuthorsAsher, M. J. C. and Smith, H. G.
TypeC2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Year of Publication1998
PublisherInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome
Funder project or code452
Page range77

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/87y70/evaluation-of-beta-germplasm-for-disease-resistance-and-stress-tolerance

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