Assessment of algicidal activity against Cladophora glomerata in a 14-day laboratory bioassay and assessment of algicidal activity in an 8 week outdoor trial. (Technical report to Tetra GmbH)

D1 - Technical reports: non-confidential

Newman, J. R., Davies, J. and Clarke, S. 2000. Assessment of algicidal activity against Cladophora glomerata in a 14-day laboratory bioassay and assessment of algicidal activity in an 8 week outdoor trial. (Technical report to Tetra GmbH).

AuthorsNewman, J. R., Davies, J. and Clarke, S.
TypeD1 - Technical reports: non-confidential
Year of Publication2000
Page range16pp
Funder project or code432
Project: 813724
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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