What makes genetically modified crops so distasteful?

G - Articles in popular magazines and other technical publications

Davies, K. G. 2002. What makes genetically modified crops so distasteful? GM Science Review. http://www.gmsciencedebate.org.uk/topics/forum/0012.htm.

AuthorsDavies, K. G.
Year of Publication2002
JournalGM Science Review
Journal citationhttp://www.gmsciencedebate.org.uk/topics/forum/0012.htm
Funder project or code421
The diversity, biology and dynamics of microbial agents that regulate nematode populations in the rhizosphere
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/88xzw/what-makes-genetically-modified-crops-so-distasteful

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