Structural analysis of divalent metals binding to the Bacillus subtilis response regulator Spo0F: the possibility for in vitro metalloregulation in the initiation of sporulation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Kojetin, D. J., Thompson, R. J., Benson, L. M., Naylor, S., Waterman, J., Davies, K. G., Opperman, C. H., Stephenson, K., Hoch, J. A. and Cavanagh, J. 2005. Structural analysis of divalent metals binding to the Bacillus subtilis response regulator Spo0F: the possibility for in vitro metalloregulation in the initiation of sporulation. Biometals. 18, pp. 449-466.

AuthorsKojetin, D. J., Thompson, R. J., Benson, L. M., Naylor, S., Waterman, J., Davies, K. G., Opperman, C. H., Stephenson, K., Hoch, J. A. and Cavanagh, J.
Year of Publication2005
Journal citation18, pp. 449-466
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Funder project or code506
The diversity, biology and dynamics of microbial agents that regulate nematode populations in the rhizosphere

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