Fecundity manipulation in Caenorhabditis elegans using exogenous peptides

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences

Davies, K. G. and Hart, J. E. 2006. Fecundity manipulation in Caenorhabditis elegans using exogenous peptides. Abstracts AAB Conference on Advances in Nematology, London, 12 December 2006 .

AuthorsDavies, K. G. and Hart, J. E.
TypeC2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Year of Publication2006
Funder project or code506
The diversity, biology and dynamics of microbial agents that regulate nematode populations in the rhizosphere

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/89v16/fecundity-manipulation-in-caenorhabditis-elegans-using-exogenous-peptides

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