Acute oak decline and Agrilus biguttatus: The co-occurrence of stem bleeding and D-shaped emergence holes in Great Britain

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Brown, N., Jeger, M., Kirk, S., Williams, D., Xu, X. M., Pautasso, M. and Denman, S. 2017. Acute oak decline and Agrilus biguttatus: The co-occurrence of stem bleeding and D-shaped emergence holes in Great Britain. Forests. 8 (3), p. 87.

AuthorsBrown, N., Jeger, M., Kirk, S., Williams, D., Xu, X. M., Pautasso, M. and Denman, S.

Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is a new condition affecting both species of native oak, Quercus robur and Quercus petraea, in Great Britain. The decline is characterised by a distinctive set of externally visible stem symptoms; bark cracks that “weep” dark exudate are found above necrotic lesions in the inner bark. Emergence holes of the buprestid beetle, Agrilus biguttatus are often also seen on the stems of oak within affected woodlands. This investigation assesses the extent to which the external symptoms of these two agents co-occur and reveals the spatial and temporal patterns present in affected woodland. Annual monitoring in eight affected woodlands showed that stem bleeding and emergence holes frequently occur on the same trees, with new emergence holes significantly more likely to occur when trees already have stem bleeds. Trials with coloured prism traps confirm A. biguttatus was present at all experimental sites. Beetle emergence is linked primarily to a few heavily declining trees, indicating that susceptibility may vary between hosts and that those with reduced health may be predisposed to AOD. Stem bleeds occur on trees in close proximity to the locations of trees with exit holes

Keywordsdecline; predisposition; Agrilus; prism traps
Year of Publication2017
Journal citation8 (3), p. 87
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderDepartment of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Funder project or codeSustainability
The improved understanding of the causes distribution and scale of acute oak decline in the UK: incidence distribution and severity
Monitoring and Modelling for sustainable forest management, towards practical methods to halt the further spread of Acute Oak decline
Publisher's version
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
Online17 Mar 2017
Publication process dates
Accepted14 Mar 2017
Copyright licenseCC BY

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