Stability and bifurcation in plant–pathogens interactions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Buonomo, B. and Cerasuolo, M. 2014. Stability and bifurcation in plant–pathogens interactions. Applied Mathematics And Computation. 232, pp. 858-871.

AuthorsBuonomo, B. and Cerasuolo, M.

We consider a plant–pathogen interaction model and perform a bifurcation analysis at the threshold where the pathogen-free equilibrium loses its hyperbolicity. We show that a stimulatory–inhibitory host response to infection load may be responsible for the occurrence of multiple steady states via backward bifurcations. We also find sufficient conditions for the global stability of the pathogen-present equilibrium in case of null or linear inhibitory host response. The results are discussed in the framework of the recent literature on the subject.

KeywordsPlant–pathogen interaction; mathematical model; Bifurcation; Global stability
Year of Publication2014
JournalApplied Mathematics And Computation
Journal citation232, pp. 858-871
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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