CP20 The chemical composition of apples and cider I The composition of apples in realtion to cider and vinegar production II The composition of cider as determined by dominant fermentation with pure yeasts

E - Books edited/written by staff member, alone/with others

Alwood, W. B., Davidson, R. J. and Moncure, W. A. P. 1904. CP20 The chemical composition of apples and cider I The composition of apples in realtion to cider and vinegar production II The composition of cider as determined by dominant fermentation with pure yeasts. United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin (USDA).

AuthorsAlwood, W. B., Davidson, R. J. and Moncure, W. A. P.
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Year of Publication1904
PublisherUnited States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin (USDA)
SeriesUnited States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin (USDA)
Journal citation88

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8w5w7/cp20-the-chemical-composition-of-apples-and-cider-i-the-composition-of-apples-in-realtion-to-cider-and-vinegar-production-ii-the-composition-of-cider-as-determined-by-dominant-fermentation-with-pure

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