Effects of direct drilling on the soil fauna

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Edwards, C. A. 1975. Effects of direct drilling on the soil fauna. Outlook on Agriculture. 8 (1 supplement), pp. 243-244. https://doi.org/10.1177/003072707500801S09

AuthorsEdwards, C. A.

Numbers of most species of invertebrates were greater in the soil in which direct-drilled crops were grown. Attacks by slugs and wireworms were much less serious after ploughing. Attack by stem-boring fly larvae tended to be greater in crops in ploughed soil than those direct drilled where cereals were grown continuously. Numbers of Lumbricus terrestris were 2 to 5 times greater with direct drilling than with ploughing but numbers of other species differed much less.

Year of Publication1975
JournalOutlook on Agriculture
Journal citation8 (1 supplement), pp. 243-244
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1177/003072707500801S09
Open accessPublished as non-open access
PublisherSage Publishing

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8w602/effects-of-direct-drilling-on-the-soil-fauna

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