A second record of a Tachinid (Dipt) parasite bred from one of the Coccinellinae (Col., Coccinellidae)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Banks, C. J. 1956. A second record of a Tachinid (Dipt) parasite bred from one of the Coccinellinae (Col., Coccinellidae). Entomologist's monthly magazine.

AuthorsBanks, C. J.
Year of Publication1956
JournalEntomologist's monthly magazine
Open accessPublished as non-open access

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/8w6wx/a-second-record-of-a-tachinid-dipt-parasite-bred-from-one-of-the-coccinellinae-col-coccinellidae

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