Notes on the Timothy grass flies (Amaurosoma spp.)

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Barnes, H. F. 1935. Notes on the Timothy grass flies (Amaurosoma spp.). Annals of Applied Biology - AAB. 22 (2), pp. 259-266.

AuthorsBarnes, H. F.

Summary. 1 ?A short account of the systematic position of the Timothy flies (Amaurosoma armillatum Zett. and A. flavipes Fall.) is given and the literature concerning them is reviewed. 2 ?Their distribution is stated and notes are given on their bionomics as observed at Harpenden on material obtained from Slough, Buckinghamshire. 3 ?The parasites Microbracon exhilarator Nees and Lamprotatus sp. are recorded. 4 ?Efforts have been made to see whether the earliness or lateness of Timothy grass strain has any effect on the incidence of attack. There are indications that a dwarf strain which is an early one is less liable to attack, though this may be due to a varietal resistance rather than to the time of flowering. 5 ?It does not appear feasible to get limits of flowering wide enough to cover the period of attack, so that further investigations in this direction need not be pursued. 6 ?Indications were obtained that the effect of manuring the grass may be to lower the attack, but further work in this direction ia required.

Year of Publication1935
JournalAnnals of Applied Biology - AAB
Journal citation22 (2), pp. 259-266
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd

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