Uber die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften des Mehlteiges

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Schofield, R. K. and Blair, G. W. S. 1937. Uber die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften des Mehlteiges. Kolloid-Zeitschrift. 79 (2), pp. 148-154. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01502667

AuthorsSchofield, R. K. and Blair, G. W. S.

A review of work dealing with the viscosity and shear modulus of bread dough is given and it has been shown that only by examining the fundamental properties is there any progress in understanding, be it the behavior of the dough as a purely physical problem or the relationship of the physical properties to its baking ability, can be achieved.

It seems as if the starch paste penetrating the network of gluten has a critical yield point, which is followed by the existence of elastic hysteresis, even if the load changes are made so slowly that an elastic aftertreatment is avoided. In addition, it has been found that the collapse of the gel skeleton which forms on standing and manifests itself in elastic fatigue has thixotropic causes. The effect is partly masked by an increase in the modulus of elasticity, probably due to the formation of new links in the gluten network.

Due to the influence of starch, the mechanical properties of the dough are more altered by aging and moisture content when measured under the action of smaller than larger forces. The reversible elongation of dough cylinders, which were only stretched by about 20 percent in a given time, varies with the age as well as with the moisture content of the dough and with the nature of the flour.

It has been found that no plastic flow occurs during the elastic shrinkage. The occurrence of "plastic aftertreatment" would compromise the method used to calculate viscosity and shear modulus.

Year of Publication1937
Journal citation79 (2), pp. 148-154
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01502667
Open accessPublished as non-open access
Output statusPublished

Permalink - https://repository.rothamsted.ac.uk/item/95x7v/uber-die-grundlegenden-mechanischen-eigenschaften-des-mehlteiges

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