The Priority of Tylenchus hexalineatus over T. megacephalus

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Geraert, E. and Goodey, J. B. 1963. The Priority of Tylenchus hexalineatus over T. megacephalus. Nematologica. 9 (3), p. 471.

AuthorsGeraert, E. and Goodey, J. B.

A new species of Tylenchtt.r was described by Geraert (1962) as T. hexalineatus and by Goodey
(1962) as T. (Cephalenchus) megacephaltts. Comparison makes it clear that these descriptions refer to the same species. The name T. hexalinealus appeared in March or April whilst T. megacehpalus appeared on 16th August so that T. hexalineatus has clear priority. We accordingly refer to the nematode as Tylenchtls (Cephalenchus) hexalineatus with T. megacephalus as a synonym.

GERAERT, E. (1962). II. De nematodenfauna in en om de wortels van Musa paradisiaca normalis.
In: Bijdragen tot de kennis der plantenparasitaire en der vrijlevende nematoden van Kongo.
I-V. Gent. Inst. Dierkunde, pp. 5-73.
GOODEY, J. B. (1962). Tylenchus (Cephalenchus) megacephalus. n. sbg., n. sp. Nematologica 7,


Year of Publication1963
Journal citation9 (3), p. 471
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Output statusPublished

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