Chronic pulmonary disease in South Wales coalminers II Environmental studies F The chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis of the roof and clod of some South Wales coal seams and of the mineral matter in coal

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Hicks, D. and Nagelschmidt, G. 1943. Chronic pulmonary disease in South Wales coalminers II Environmental studies F The chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis of the roof and clod of some South Wales coal seams and of the mineral matter in coal. Special Report Series Medical Research Council - MRC. 244, pp. 154-186.

AuthorsHicks, D. and Nagelschmidt, G.


Year of Publication1943
JournalSpecial Report Series Medical Research Council - MRC
Journal citation244, pp. 154-186
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

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