Aerial baiting to control leaf-cutting ants (Formicidae, Attini) in Trinidad. I. The bait, its production, and the effects of weathering on attractiveness and persistence of toxicants

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Lewis, T. and Phillips, F. T. 1973. Aerial baiting to control leaf-cutting ants (Formicidae, Attini) in Trinidad. I. The bait, its production, and the effects of weathering on attractiveness and persistence of toxicants. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 63 (2), pp. 263-273.

AuthorsLewis, T. and Phillips, F. T.


Year of Publication1973
JournalBulletin of Entomological Research
Journal citation63 (2), pp. 263-273
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
PublisherCambridge University Press (CUP)

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