Analytical Biochemistry


TitleAnalytical Biochemistry


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Kinetic microplate-based assays for inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1) and succinate:cytochrome c oxidoreductase

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Jewess, P. J. and Devonshire, A. L. 1999. Kinetic microplate-based assays for inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1) and succinate:cytochrome c oxidoreductase. Analytical Biochemistry. 272, pp. 56-63.

The enzymatic determination of bicarbonate and CO2 in reagents and buffer solutions

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hall, N. P., Cornelius, M. J. and Keys, A. J. 1983. The enzymatic determination of bicarbonate and CO2 in reagents and buffer solutions. Analytical Biochemistry. 132 (1), pp. 152-157.

A method for preventing sorbitol interference with the determination of inorganic-phosphate

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Leigh, R. A. and Walker, R. R. 1980. A method for preventing sorbitol interference with the determination of inorganic-phosphate. Analytical Biochemistry. 106 (2), pp. 279-284.

Identification and measurement of homoserine by gas-liquid-chromatography

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Kirkman, M. A., Burrell, M. M., Lea, P. J. and Mills, W. R. 1980. Identification and measurement of homoserine by gas-liquid-chromatography. Analytical Biochemistry. 101 (2), pp. 364-368.