Archives of Virology


TitleArchives of Virology
PublisherSpringer Wien


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The complete sequence of the genomic RNA of an isolate of Lily virus X (genus Potexvirus )

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Chen, J., Shi, Y-H., Adams, M. J. and Chen, J-P. 2005. The complete sequence of the genomic RNA of an isolate of Lily virus X (genus Potexvirus ). Archives of Virology. 150, pp. 825-832.

The new plant virus family Flexiviridae and assessment of molecular criteria for species demarcation

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Adams, M. J., Antoniw, J. F., Bar-Joseph, M., Brunt, A. A., Candresse, T., Foster, G. D., Martelli, G. P., Milne, R. G. and Fauquet, C. M. 2004. The new plant virus family Flexiviridae and assessment of molecular criteria for species demarcation. Archives of Virology. 149, pp. 1045-1060.

Virgaviridae: a new family of rod-shaped plant viruses

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Adams, M. J., Antoniw, J. F. and Kreuze, J. 2009. Virgaviridae: a new family of rod-shaped plant viruses. Archives of Virology. 154, pp. 1967-1972.