Ecological Engineering


TitleEcological Engineering


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Soil aggregate-associated organic carbon dynamics subjected to different types of land use: Evidence from 13C natural abundance

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Liu, Y., Liu, W., Wu, L., Liu, C., Wang, L., Chen, F. and Li, Z. 2018. Soil aggregate-associated organic carbon dynamics subjected to different types of land use: Evidence from 13C natural abundance. Ecological Engineering. 122 (15 October), pp. 295-302.

The challenges and implications of linking wetland science to policy in agricultural landscapes - experience from the UK National Ecosystem Assessment

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Maltby, E., Acreman, M., Blackwell, M. S. A., Everard, M. and Morris, J. 2013. The challenges and implications of linking wetland science to policy in agricultural landscapes - experience from the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. Ecological Engineering. 56, pp. 121-133.