Russell, E. J. and Garner, H. V. 1941. The Rothamsted experiments on the manuring of potatoes. Part III. The effect of fertilizers on the habit of growth and other characters of potatoes. General Summary. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 9, pp. 227-235.
Russell, E. J. and Garner, H. V. 1941. The Rothamsted experiments on the manuring of potatoes. Pt. II. Effect of inorganic and organic manures on the yield of potatoes. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 10, p. 217.
Crowther, E. M. and Yates, F. 1941. Fertilizer policy in war-time. The fertilizer requirements of arable crops. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 9 (34), pp. 77-97.
Finney, D. J. 1940. The Little Hoos field experiment on the residual values of certain manures. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 8, pp. 111-125.
Haines, W. B. and Crowther, E. M. 1940. Manuring Hevea III Results on young buddings in British Malaya. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 8 (31), pp. 169-184.
Garner, H. V. and Weil, J. W. 1939. The standard errors of field plots at Rothamsted and outside centres. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 7 (28), pp. 369-379.
Russell, E. J. and Watson, Donald John 1939. The Rothamsted field experiments on barley 1852-1937 III The composition and quality of the barley grain. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 7 (27 July), pp. 193-220.
Turner, H. N. 1939. The residual effects of organic fertilizers: A preliminary report on the Rothamsted four-course rotation experiment. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture.
Moffatt, J. R. 1939. Agricultural methods adopted in the Rothamsted classical and modern field experiments. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 7, pp. 251-260.
Russell, E. J. and Watson, Donald John 1938. The Rothamsted field experiments on barley 1852-1937 A The older Rothamsted Experiments. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 6 (23 July), pp. 268-292.
Russell, E. J. and Watson, Donald John 1938. The Rothamsted field experiments on barley 1852-1937 II Effects of phosphatic and potassic fertilizers deterioration under continuous cropping. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 6 (24 Nov), pp. 263-314.
Garrett, S. D. 1937. The Soil-borne Fungus Diseases of Field and Plantation Crops: a Review of Existing Control Methods. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture.
Cochran, W. G. and Watson, D. J. 1936. An experiment on observer's bias in the selection of shoot-heights. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 4 (13), pp. 69-76.
Richardson, H. L. 1935. Field Experiments on the Action of Calcium Cyanamide on Germinating Seeds and on Charlock in Barley. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 3 (9), pp. 41-49.
Crowther, E. M. 1935. Comparative trials of calcium cyanamide and other nitrogenous fertilizers on arable crops. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 3 (10), pp. 129-143.
Nicol, H. 1934. Yield, duration, and droughtresistance of lucerne as influenced by frequency and time of cutting. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2, pp. 380-390.
Yates, F. 1933. The analysis of replicated experiments when the field results are incomplete. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 1 (2), pp. 129-142.