Irrigation Science


TitleIrrigation Science


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Assessment of the influence of inhibitors on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from soils irrigated with alternative water resources

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tao, Z., Li, Z., Li, S., Zhao, L., Gregory, A. S., Fan, X., Liu, C., Hu, C. and Liu, Y. 2024. Assessment of the influence of inhibitors on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from soils irrigated with alternative water resources. Irrigation Science.

The effect of drought on barley yield and water use in two contrasting years.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Day, W., Lawlor, D. W. and Day, A. T. 1987. The effect of drought on barley yield and water use in two contrasting years. Irrigation Science. 8, pp. 115-130.