Journal of Virological Methods


TitleJournal of Virological Methods


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Development of a multiplex immunocapture-RT-PCR for simultaneous detection of BMYV and BChV in plants and single aphids

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Vigano, F. and Stevens, M. 2007. Development of a multiplex immunocapture-RT-PCR for simultaneous detection of BMYV and BChV in plants and single aphids. Journal of Virological Methods. 146, pp. 196-201.

Improved detection and differentiation of poleroviruses infecting beet or rape by multiplex RT-PCR

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Hauser, S., Weber, C., Vetter, G., Stevens, M., Beuve, M. and Lemaire, O. 2000. Improved detection and differentiation of poleroviruses infecting beet or rape by multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods. 89, pp. 11-21.

Comparison of ELISA and RT-PCR for the detection of beet yellows closterovirus in plants and aphids

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stevens, M., Hull, R. I. and Smith, H. G. 1997. Comparison of ELISA and RT-PCR for the detection of beet yellows closterovirus in plants and aphids. Journal of Virological Methods. 68, pp. 9-16.

Strain differentiation of barley yellow dwarf virus isolates using specific monoclonal antibodies in immunosorbent electron microscopy.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Forde, S. M. D. 1989. Strain differentiation of barley yellow dwarf virus isolates using specific monoclonal antibodies in immunosorbent electron microscopy. Journal of Virological Methods. 23, pp. 313-320.