Nematologia mediterranea


TitleNematologia mediterranea
PublisherLaboratorio di Nematologia agraria del C.N.R.


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Vorticella sp. infestations in nematodes: a report

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Tahseen, Q., Clark, I. M. and Kerry, B. R. 2003. Vorticella sp. infestations in nematodes: a report. Nematologia mediterranea. 31, pp. 195-196.

A review of potato cyst nematodes in Portugal

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Santos, M. S. N. De A, Evans, K., Abreu, C. A., Martins, F. F. and Abrantes, I. M. De O. 1995. A review of potato cyst nematodes in Portugal.

Scanning electron microscope observations on the morphology of Tylenchorhynchus aduncus

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Vovlas, N. and Cham, S. 1981. Scanning electron microscope observations on the morphology of Tylenchorhynchus aduncus. Nematologia mediterranea. 9 (1), pp. 91-97.