Quaternary Science Reviews


TitleQuaternary Science Reviews


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Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Brown, A. G., Rhodes, E. J., Davis, S., Zhang, Y., Pears, B., Whitehouse, N. J., Bradley, C., Bennett, J., Schwenninger, J-L., Firth, A., Firth, E., Hughes, P. and Walling, D. 2021. Late Quaternary evolution of a lowland anastomosing river system: Geological-topographic inheritance, non-uniformity and implications for biodiversity and management. Quaternary Science Reviews. 260, p. 106929. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106929

Late and middle Pleistocene deposits at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, UK: a model for reconstructing fluvial/estuarine depositional environments

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
West, R. G., Andrew, R., Catt, J. A., Hart, C. P., Hollin, J. T., Knudsen, K-L., Miller, G. F., Penney, D. N., Pettit, M. E., Preece, R. C., Switsur, V. R., Whiteman, C. A. and Zhou, L. P. 1999. Late and middle Pleistocene deposits at Somersham, Cambridgeshire, UK: a model for reconstructing fluvial/estuarine depositional environments. Quaternary Science Reviews. 18, pp. 1247-1314. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-3791(98)00067-5