Mondon, B., Sear, D. A., Collins, A. L., Shaw, P. J. and Sykes, T. 2024. The sedimentology of gravel beds in groundwater-dominated chalk streams: Implications for sediment modelling and management. River Research and Applications. 40 (4), pp. 508-528.
Maltauro, R., Stone, M., Collins, A. L. and Krishnappan, B. G. 2023. Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers. River Research and Applications. 40 (3), pp. 341-352.
Foster, I. D. L., Biddulph, M., Boardman, J., Copeland-Phillips, R., Evans, J., Pulley, S., Zhang, Y. and Collins, A. L. 2019. A palaeoenvironmental study of particle size‐specific connectivity—New insights and implications from the West Sussex Rother Catchment, United Kingdom. River Research and Applications. 35 (8), pp. 1192-1202.
Nosrati, K. and Collins, A. L. 2019. Fingerprinting the contribution of quarrying to fine‐grained bed sediment in a mountainous catchment, Iran. River Research and Applications. 35, pp. 290-300.
Collins, A. L., Murphy, J. F., Jones, J. I., Duerdoth, C. P., Pretty, J. L., Naden, P. S. and Sear, D. A. 2017. Can macroinvertebrate biological traits indicate fine-grained sediment conditions in streams? River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1606-1617.
Collins, A. L., Sear, D. A., Pattison, I., Smallman, D. J., Jones, J. I. and Naden, P. S. 2017. The magnitude and significance of sediment oxygen demand in gravel spawning beds for the incubation of salmonid embryos. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1642-1654.
Collins, A. L., Pulley, S., Van der Waal, B., Foster, I. D. L. and Rowntree, K. 2017. Are source groups always appropriate when sediment fingerprinting? The direct comparison of source and sediment samples as a methodological step. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1553-1563.
Biddulph, M., Collins, A. L., Foster, I. D. L. and Holmes, N. 2017. The scale problem in tackling diffuse water pollution from agriculture: Insights from the Avon Demonstration Test. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1527-1538.
Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., McMillan, S., Dixon, E. R., Cancer-Berroya, E., Poiret, C. and Stringellow, A. 2017. Fingerprinting source contributions to bed sediment‐associated organic matter in the headwater subcatchments of the River Itchen SAC, Hampshire, UK. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1515-1526.
Collins, A. L., Zhang, Y., McMillan, S., Dixon, E. R., Stringfellow, A., Bateman, S. and Sear, D. A. 2017. Sediment‐associated organic matter sources and sediment oxygen demand in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC): A case study of the River Axe, UK. River Research and Applications. 33 (10), pp. 1539-1552.
Collins, A. L., Mathers, K. L., England, J., Brierley, B. and Rice, S. P. 2017. The fine sediment conundrum; quantifying, mitigating and managing the isues. River Research and Applications. 33, pp. 1509-1514.
Beaumont, D. A. 2012. Floodplain wetland biota in the Murray-Darling Basin: Water and habitat requirements. River Research and Applications. 28 (8), pp. 1322-1322.