Small Ruminant Research


TitleSmall Ruminant Research


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Goat health and management for improved smallholders’ livelihoods in central Malawi – A socioeconomic analysis of rural households

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Airs, P. M., Ventura-Cordero, J., Gwiriri, L. C., Tinsley, J. H., Mvula, W., Lee, M. R., Wyk, J. A. V., Nalivata, P. C., Takahashi, T., Morgan, E. R. and Safalaoh, A. C. 2023. Goat health and management for improved smallholders’ livelihoods in central Malawi – A socioeconomic analysis of rural households. Small Ruminant Research. 229 (Dec 23), p. 107114.

Diet preferences of adult sheep and goats grazing ryegrass and white clover

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Penning, P. D., Newman, J. A., Parsons, A. J., Harvey, A. and Orr, R. J. 1997. Diet preferences of adult sheep and goats grazing ryegrass and white clover. Small Ruminant Research. 24, pp. 175-184.

Effects of tethering management on feed intake and behaviour of Tanzanian goats

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Romney, D. L., Sendalo, D. S. C., Owen, E., Mtenga, L. A., Penning, P. D., Mayes, R. W. and Hendy, C. R. C. 1996. Effects of tethering management on feed intake and behaviour of Tanzanian goats. Small Ruminant Research. 19, pp. 113-120.

Effects of continuous stocking with sheep or goats on sward composition and animal production from a grass and white clover pasture

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Penning, P. D., Johnson, R. H. and Orr, R. J. 1996. Effects of continuous stocking with sheep or goats on sward composition and animal production from a grass and white clover pasture. Small Ruminant Research. 21, pp. 19-29.