BMJ-British Medical Journal


TitleBMJ-British Medical Journal
PublisherBMJ Publishing Group


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Composting of household waste

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mattingly, G. E. G. 1956. Composting of household waste. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2 (4995), pp. 758-760.

Lethane 384 on Clothing as a Mosquito Repellent

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Johnson, C. G. 1947. Lethane 384 on Clothing as a Mosquito Repellent. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 1:92.

Treatment of Scabies

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Mellanby, K., Johnson, C. G. and Bartley, W. C. 1942. Treatment of Scabies. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2 (4252), pp. 1-4.

On mutation of species

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Brierley, W. B. 1922. On mutation of species. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2 (3225), pp. 722-728.

Some aspects of vegetable pathology in relation to human disease

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Brierley, W. B. 1922. Some aspects of vegetable pathology in relation to human disease. BMJ-British Medical Journal.