Environmental Monitoring And Assessment


TitleEnvironmental Monitoring And Assessment

Manuscript 12 months


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Using catchment characteristics to model seasonality of dissolved organic carbon fluxes in semi-arid mountainous headwaters

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Nosrati, K., Collins, A. L. and Fiener, P. 2020. Using catchment characteristics to model seasonality of dissolved organic carbon fluxes in semi-arid mountainous headwaters. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 192 (Article), p. 674. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08626-2

Model-based optimisation of agricultural profitability and nutrient management: a practical approach for dealing with issues of scale

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Milne, A. E., Coleman, K., Todman, L. C. and Whitmore, A. P. 2020. Model-based optimisation of agricultural profitability and nutrient management: a practical approach for dealing with issues of scale. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 192, p. 730. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08699-z

Methane fluxes in aerobic soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Goulding, K. W. T., Willison, T. W., Webster, C. P. and Powlson, D. S. 1996. Methane fluxes in aerobic soils. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 42, pp. 175-187. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00394049

A field-based spectrophotometric flow-injection system for automatic determination of chloride in soil water

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Holden, N. M., Dowd, J. F., Williams, A. J. and Scholefield, D. 1994. A field-based spectrophotometric flow-injection system for automatic determination of chloride in soil water. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 36, pp. 217-228.

Spatial analysis and mapping the annual mean concentrations of acidity and major ions in precipitation over the United Kingdom in 1986

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Webster, R., Campbell, G. W. and Irwin, J. G. 1991. Spatial analysis and mapping the annual mean concentrations of acidity and major ions in precipitation over the United Kingdom in 1986. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 16 (1), pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00399591