European Physical Journal E


TitleEuropean Physical Journal E

Manuscript 12 months


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Mosquito swarms shear harden

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2023. Mosquito swarms shear harden. European Physical Journal E. 46, p. 126.

Weierstrassian Levy walks are a by-product of crawling

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2021. Weierstrassian Levy walks are a by-product of crawling. European Physical Journal E. 44, p. 96.

Intrinsic stochasticity and the emergence of collective behaviours in insect swarms

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2020. Intrinsic stochasticity and the emergence of collective behaviours in insect swarms. European Physical Journal E. 44 (2), p. 22.

Insect swarms can be bound together by repulsive forces

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M. 2020. Insect swarms can be bound together by repulsive forces. European Physical Journal E. 43, p. 39.

Are midge swarms bound together by an effective velocity-dependent gravity?

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Reynolds, A. M., Sinhuber, M. and Ouellette, N. T. 2017. Are midge swarms bound together by an effective velocity-dependent gravity? European Physical Journal E. 40 (4), p. 46.