The FASEB Journal


TitleThe FASEB Journal
AlternativeFASEB Journal
PublisherThe Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology


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Impairment of DHA synthesis alters the expression of neuronal plasticity markers and the brain inflammatory status in mice

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Talamonti, E., Sasso, V., To, H., Haslam, R. P., Napier, J. A., Ulfhake, B., Pernold, K., Asadi, A., Hessa, T., Jacobsson, A., Chiurchiu, V. and Viscomi, M. T. 2020. Impairment of DHA synthesis alters the expression of neuronal plasticity markers and the brain inflammatory status in mice. The FASEB Journal. 34 (2), pp. 2024-2040.

An analysis of transorgan metabolite extraction data

C1 - Edited contributions to conferences/learned societies
Hanigan, M. D., France, J., Reutzel, L., Wray-Cahen, D., Beever, D. E., Lobley, G. E. and Smith, N. E. 1996. An analysis of transorgan metabolite extraction data. FASEB Proceedings.