International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry


TitleInternational Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
PublisherTaylor & Francis


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Selenium speciation in soil extracts using LC-ICP-MS

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stroud, J. L., McGrath, S. P. and Zhao, F-J. 2012. Selenium speciation in soil extracts using LC-ICP-MS. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 92, pp. 222-236.

A new method for the determination of the 34S/32S ratio of water-soluble sulphur in soil

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Fox, M. A., Zhao, F-J. and McGrath, S. P. 2004. A new method for the determination of the 34S/32S ratio of water-soluble sulphur in soil. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 84, pp. 323-329.

A practical evaluation of microwave and conventional wet digestion techniques for the determination of Cd, Cu and Zn in wheat grain

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Adams, M. L., Chaudri, A. M., Rousseau, I. and McGrath, S. P. 2003. A practical evaluation of microwave and conventional wet digestion techniques for the determination of Cd, Cu and Zn in wheat grain. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 83, pp. 307-314.

The measurement of dissolved phosphorus compounds: evidence for hydrolysis during storage and implications for analytical definitions in environmental analysis

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Denison, F. H., Haygarth, P. M., House, W. A. and Bristow, A. W. 1998. The measurement of dissolved phosphorus compounds: evidence for hydrolysis during storage and implications for analytical definitions in environmental analysis. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 69 (2), pp. 111-123.

The importance of long- and short-term air-soil exchanges of organic contaminants

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Jones, K. C., Johnston, A. E. and McGrath, S. P. 1995. The importance of long- and short-term air-soil exchanges of organic contaminants. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 59 (2-4), pp. 167-178.

An interlaboratory comparison of a standardised EDTA extraction procedure for the analysis of available trace elements in two quality control soils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
McGrath, S. P., Lane, P. W. and Crosland, A. R. 1993. An interlaboratory comparison of a standardised EDTA extraction procedure for the analysis of available trace elements in two quality control soils. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 51 (1-4), pp. 153-160.

A comparison of methods for use in the measurement of ammonia emissions following the application of livestock wastes to land

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Klarenbeek, J. V., Pain, B. F., Phillips, V. R. and Lockyer, D. R. 1993. A comparison of methods for use in the measurement of ammonia emissions following the application of livestock wastes to land. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 53, pp. 205-218.