Molecular Pharmacology


TitleMolecular Pharmacology
PublisherAmer Soc Pharmacology Experimental Therapeutics


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Batrachotoxin, pyrethroids and BTG 502 share overlapping binding sites on insect sodium channels

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Du, Y., Garden, D., Khambay, B. P. S., Zhorov, B. S. and Dong, K. 2011. Batrachotoxin, pyrethroids and BTG 502 share overlapping binding sites on insect sodium channels. Molecular Pharmacology. 80, pp. 426-433.

Mutations of the para sodium channel of Drosophila melanogaster identify putative binding sites for pyrethroids

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Vais, H., Atkinson, S., Pluteanu, F., Goodson, S. J., Devonshire, A. L., Williamson, M. S. and Usherwood, P. N. R. 2003. Mutations of the para sodium channel of Drosophila melanogaster identify putative binding sites for pyrethroids. Molecular Pharmacology. 64 (4), pp. 914-922.