Scientific American


TitleScientific American
PublisherNature Publishing Group


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The water cycle

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Penman, H. L. 1970. The water cycle. Scientific American. 223 (3), pp. 98-109.

Soil pollutants and soil animals

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Edwards, C. A. 1969. Soil pollutants and soil animals. Scientific American. 220 (4), pp. 88-99.

The aerial migration of insects

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Johnson, C. G. 1963. The aerial migration of insects. Scientific American. 209 (6), pp. 132-138.

The honeybee

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ribbands, C. R. 1955. The honeybee. Scientific American. 193 (2), pp. 52-61.