Theoretical And Applied Climatology


TitleTheoretical And Applied Climatology
PublisherSpringer Wien


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Local-scale climate scenarios for impact studies and risk assessments: integration of early 21st century ENSEMBLES projections into the ELPIS database

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Calanca, P. and Semenov, M. A. 2013. Local-scale climate scenarios for impact studies and risk assessments: integration of early 21st century ENSEMBLES projections into the ELPIS database. Theoretical And Applied Climatology. 113, pp. 445-455.

Topographic impacts on wheat yields under climate change: two contrasted case studies in Europe

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Ferrara, R. M., Trevisiol, P., Acutis, M., Rana, G., Richter, G. M. and Baggaley, N. 2010. Topographic impacts on wheat yields under climate change: two contrasted case studies in Europe. Theoretical And Applied Climatology. 99 (1-2), pp. 53-65.