Laboratory Practice


TitleLaboratory Practice
PublisherEMAP Business Publications



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A fully automated micro-injection system for the LKB batch microcalorimeter

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Minter, B. A. and Talibudeen, O. 1982. A fully automated micro-injection system for the LKB batch microcalorimeter. Laboratory Practice. 31 (11).

A compact apparatus for obtaining flies of known age

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Pye, B. J. 1978. A compact apparatus for obtaining flies of known age. Laboratory Practice. 27 (6), p. 483.

An automatic micro-injection system and its use in the microcalorimetry of cation-exchange sorption

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Talibudeen, O., Goulding, K. W. T., Edwards, B. S. and Minter, B. S. 1977. An automatic micro-injection system and its use in the microcalorimetry of cation-exchange sorption. Laboratory Practice. 26 (12), pp. 952-955.

Electric fence for retaining slugs in outdoor enclosures

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Stephenson, J. W. and Dibley, G. C. 1975. Electric fence for retaining slugs in outdoor enclosures. Laboratory Practice. 24 (12), p. 815.

Device for controlling humidity in small insect rearing chambers.

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Macaulay, E. D. M. 1969. Device for controlling humidity in small insect rearing chambers. Laboratory Practice. 18 (6), p. 652.

Portable counter with keyboard and probes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Arnold, A. J. 1969. Portable counter with keyboard and probes. Laboratory Practice. 18 (4), pp. 444-445.

Hand-operated micro-applicator to deliver drops of five sizes

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Arnold, A. J. 1967. Hand-operated micro-applicator to deliver drops of five sizes. Laboratory Practice. 16 (1), pp. 56-57.

An improved method for separating arthropods from soil samples

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Heath, G. W. 1965. An improved method for separating arthropods from soil samples. Laboratory Practice.

The measurement of insect density in the air Parts I and II

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals
Johnson, C. G. and Taylor, L. R. 1955. The measurement of insect density in the air Parts I and II. Laboratory Practice. 4 (1), pp. 187-192.